writing around someone
I write every day. Sometimes fiction, more often commentary on political events and personalities, art and music, or literature. It's hard to nail me down to one thing, so this blog is where I put items that interest me that are connected, in general, with the Arts.
Pam S.

May 15, 2006


The End Is *Really* Really Near This Time: "

Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, wars, tsunamis, you name it.

If you're a Christian, you've got a big problem on your hands. After you're swept away to walk the streets of gold with Jesus, red hot lava is going to pour from Mt. St. Helens and right over your dog, leaving his burned body encased for millennia until discovered by godless alien archeologists....
posted by Palema |

May 14, 2006

Penciils, intricately carved! Amazing

Go to the Pencil Carving site and see more, and upclose shots.
posted by Palema |

May 10, 2006

animal morphs

This photoshopper providesexamples of what the art can be. He ably morphs animal and bird (and a few people) heads and bodies together to create something new.
It is done quite skillfully.
See samples at Tatty World.
posted by Palema |

May 06, 2006

'Siddhartha' by Hermann Hesse

A searchable online version at The Literature Network

In order to find meaning in life, he discarded his promising future for the life of a wandering ascetic. Still, true happiness evaded him. Then a life of pleasure and titillation merely eroded away his spiritual gains until he was just like all the other 'child people,' dragged around by his desires. Like Hermann Hesse's other creations of struggling young men, Siddhartha has a good dose of European angst and stubborn individualism. His final epiphany challenges both the Buddhist and the Hindu ideals of enlightenment. Neither a practitioner nor a devotee, neither meditating nor reciting, Siddhartha comes to blend in with the world, resonating with the rhythms of nature, bending the reader's ear down to hear answers from the river.
posted by Palema |


buddhalover's reviews

I never read this before... But this is the way to compassion for all beings, even the violent and cruel.buddhalover's reviews: "Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us. -Rilke"
posted by Palema |


Conceptual photography

Misha Gordin

A big rock lays on the southern border of the land I live.

I like to visit him on a sunny winter days and walk around in a circle, absorbing his silent energy.

I like to stand on top of him with my eyes shot toward the bright sun.

I like to fill my chest with a crisp air and reach towards the sky.

I feel secluded, but not alone. It's where I belong.

The lonely owl is watching me from his nest across ravine.

This man, a native of Soviet Latvia transplanted to the West, shows elegant photographs that are like abstract art. The crowd series, for example includes the backs of shaved heads closely crowded and looking not much different that a layer of tangerines on a tray.

Pattern out of repetition.

His writing, too is elegantly simple and correct but for the one misuse of "lay" for "lie." Everyone in America misuses it except English teachers and librarians (and me), so it's no wonder.
posted by Palema |

May 03, 2006

Jazz Quotes

Jazz Quotes: "Jazz washes away the dust of every day life.
~ Art Blakey"
posted by Palema |

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